Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Cash for Excellent Behavior: Transformer Bucks!

We've developed our own currency system. On the first day, the kids earned enough money to buy themselves a chair! Our chairs have wheels, so you need a lot of self-control to stay safe.

Planting Basil Seeds on Day One of Summer School

Day Two of Summer School: Making Crockpot Bread

Everybody got a chance to mix and make their own bread roll. Our chant was: squish, squish, roll, squish, squish, roll. We dropped them into the crock and 90 minutes later, we had bread!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Making butter

I shook a half pint of heavy cream for about 30 minutes, and voila! Butter!
I put about a teaspoon of salt in it, until it tasted right to me. Poor me. Now I have to eat this delicious creamy goodness.

Crock Pot Bread is Today's Cooking Project

I'm practicing this today because we're doing this project in class on Tuesday, and I don't want any surprises.
Here's the link to our slideshow.

It tasted pretty good, especially with the homemade butter, which is the other part of Tuesday's class.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Taking a class online about how to paint water.

I haven't really done any realistic kind of painting for a long time. So this is a little bit uncomfortable. I think I need a lot more practice.