Friday, March 20, 2020

Owl factory

We need to put some of the students' writing up in our display case. The title will be Whoooooo is excelling in English?

Art therapy

Drawing a zillion teensy circles with a sharpie is soothing. Also, blobbing paint around is therapeutic.

Rainbow muffins

Last Wednesday, we made these muffins using sugary rainbow cereal, which the kids liked a lot. This is a 7th grade Sp. Ed. class. Three of the kids are English learners. They love to do these cooking projects.


Two weeks ago I was chopping vegetables for Mr. Paris and Ms. Noble's class. It was their week to make their offering for the annual Soup Sale, which benefits the Special Ed. classes at School #4. Along with the above, I chopped onions and potatoes.  The kids made the soup on that Monday, and sold it all week. My food processor is cooling down, and I'm sick of minestrone.