Thursday, May 28, 2020


This was good, and the label is, too.

I drove through a redwood once, in California, but not in a VW bus.

Inspired by Terry Runyan

So, copying is a form of flattery I hear. But I'm doing it correctly by giving Terry Runyan, a fun, friendly Instagram-loving artist, full credit for the painting that inspired me.
Also, her cats are cuter, and her houses aren't tipping over.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Beth’s fused glass work

Mom's painting

This was for the abstract challenge, I think. My brain is too full from too much stuff going on at once.
Corona Brain: it's a real thing.

Beth: from the flower challenge and Mom's 87th B-Day.

Beth said, "Eighty seven is only 21 in Scrabble!"

Mandala Redo

I may have posted this before. Oh, well.

Mandala challenge

Collage challenge: Beth and VB

Found poetry challenge: Beth and Mom


Weird English