Thursday, July 3, 2014

Contour drawing: Little flowers in Lincoln Park Woods

 Any idea what these are? I'm clueless.


  1. passionfruit flowers?
    they are simple and sweet.
    i like the 2 different views - from top and side!

  2. Hmm...They were about 2-3 cm long, and growing in the NY woods. Google says passion fruits grow in the subtropics. I wish that's what it was!
    Thanks for the comment, Mary Ann!

  3. I am pretty sure they are columbines. We used to have the orange and yellow ones in Gray's County, Washington (state). Aquilegia canadensis. Google for pics. Brilliant drawing, too!

  4. Victoria, I am upstate in NY, on the border of VT and NY. I am so bummed I haven't seen these around the farm, just some naturalized garden escapees in purples and pinks. Anyhow, looking forward to seeing more of your work in Sketchbookery :)
